November 12, 2016
Live and freshly cut trees, roping, and wreaths arriving Thanksgiving week.
Contact Deal’s soon for help in decking your halls with Christmas cheer. Custom designed grave blankets are a speciality of Deal’s, as well as custom roping and specially designed wreaths created just for you.
Need outdoor lighting to trim your house? Deal’s offers economical LED lighting to beautify your home for the holidays.
October 22, 2016
A couple of photos by Cheryl…
Honey Bee on Golden Rod in my garden…

Praying Mantis egg case found on Pimiento Pepper plant - I'm not sure if I should eventually cut the stem of the pepper plant and wire the egg case to an evergreen branch for winter protection, or not. Will have to do some research. I could just leave the plant in the garden all winter. Not sure which would be best.

October 02, 2016
Yes, spring is many months away, but this is a great time to start thinking about your yard and landscape in 2017.
Contact Deal’s for help and suggestions for next year’s landscape, yard, and gardens at your home.
October 02, 2016
Winter’s coming! Cold temps, ice, snow, and generally yucky conditions making paths, sidewalks, and driveways a mess.
Contact Deal’s to schedule snow removal for your home or business. Deal’s offers seasonal contracts or on-call snow removal.
October 02, 2016
Hard to believe, but the holiday season starts in just a few weeks - Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas, and New Years. Deal’s can help you decorate you home for the holidays - live and cut trees, roping, grave blankets, and home lighting. Want to
know more?
Contact Deal’s.October 02, 2016
Fall has arrived! That means that leaves are coming down, burying your yard and landscape. Contact Deal’s for leaf removal and general cleanup of your landscape, not to mention preparation for winter and next year’s garden wakeup.
August 25, 2016
Fall is a great time to refresh your landscape with new plantings - as well as preparing your landscape for winter. Check for dead stems and branches or overgrown shrubs.
This is the time to think about adding new spring flowering bulbs to your garden. Who doesn’t enjoy the sight of of crocuses and snowdrops pushing up through any late season snow? Followed, of course, by daffodils, tulips, and many other spring flowers.
August 04, 2016
Yes, it’s still the first of August, but you should begin to plan for next year’s lawn! Deal’s is now scheduling fall aeration and over-seeding. Regular aeration and over-seeding are essential to maintaining a thick, weed free lawn on an Organic program. Aeration allows improved water and gas exchange; it destabilizes the soil, making room for fresh root growth.
Also, if you’re using Corn Gluten pre-emergent weed control late fall and next spring, aeration will greatly improve weed control in your lawn.
contact Deal’s for more information!
August 04, 2016
We’re busy applying the second round of Liquid Seaweed to your yard!
Brown Patch Fungus has caused some concerns this year - the humid weather along with all the rainfall has created conditions where the thatch and grass remain wet for extended periods, which is great for fungus but not for your yard.
BPF rarely does any permanent damage and intervention is not needed, BPF will die out as the weather becomes less humid and we approach fall.
Organic Earth’s Seaweed Spray provides plant sugars that promote the growth of microbes that feed on fungus.
If you’re using irrigation systems, you should reduce how often they run. Too much water can be bad for your lawn and landscape, leaching out important soil nutrients and depriving plant roots of oxygen.
July 21, 2016
Have an ughly spot in your landscape? This homeowner had a muddy spring - Deal’s made it an awesome addition to their landscape.


We changed a muddy run into an attractive water accent in their landscape.
Contact Deal’s if you have a landscape problem, we can help you turn a problem into an asset!
June 18, 2016
This is a great time to plan your new outdoor living areas!
Deal’s can design and estimate areas from small shady sitting areas to full outdoor kitchens. Give us a call or
contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our designers and we will be able to install your perfect personalized space before the leaves turn colors this fall.
May 30, 2016
Deal’s recently completed a patio project for a local homeowner… click the image to see more!
Contact Deal’s for more information about creating a new patio for your home!
May 07, 2016
Visit Deal’s now for the best selection of Organically Grown veggie seedlings!
Find Deal’s -
Contact Deal’sMay 07, 2016

Deal’s has
Posy Power™ in stock - make your garden really POP with
Posy Power™!Posy Power™ - a powerful organic soil booster. Visit the
Posy Power™ web site for additional information
or Contact Deal’s!May 04, 2016
For your vegetable gardens we now have two compost choices. The same mushroom compost we've had for several years and now a new organic compost. The organic compost is not certified, but if you are a certified grower, it passes certification standards. Please call for more information or
contact us.
May 03, 2016
It’s early May - the conservative safe planting date in our area is usually mid-May. While Deal’s is not making any recommendation about a safe planting date this early in the spring, you might want to consider setting out your seedlings. Be aware, of course, that you may need to protect tender plants from any late spring frost.
April 22, 2016
Organically grown pepper and tomato starts as of 04/22/2016… now available at
Deal’s Landscape Service Store.We have a large selection of organically grown veggie seedlings in our greenhouse, but quantities are very limited.
April 22, 2016
Happy Earth Day!
This is a
GREAT week to plant trees.
We have a large assortment of trees compatible with the Beavercreek area now in stock. Stop by our
store and nursery to find a great new tree for your landscape.
April 10, 2016 Categories >>
Organic GardentingWe know it seems like winter will never end, but this week sounds like the
real beginning of spring. We have organically grown early spring vegetable starts ready to plant.

- Five types of kale: Lacinato, Scarlet, Red Russian, Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch and Smooth German
- Four types of lettuce: Red Leprechaun, Ella Kropf, Yugoslavian Red, and Blushed Buttercos
- Three types of Broccoli: Waltham, De Ciccio, and Romanesco; Copenhagen Market Cabbage
- Other seedlings ready to set out: Italian Plain leaf and Curled Parsley, Chives, Celery, and Yellow of Parma Onion plants.
- In limited supply - We still have Desiree, Yukon Gold and La Ratte seed potatoes.
- Seed Savers Spinach, Beet, Radish, and Pea seeds are all ready for cold weather sowing.
Hope to see you soon!!!
April 01, 2016 Categories >>
Site SurveyWe’re working hard to ensure that your visit to Deal’s website is awesome - let us know what you think!
Site Survey
Lacinato Kale, Yellow of Parma Onions and 2 or 3 types of lettuce are ready for sale. The lettuce is a little small yet, but I planted some at home and they've grown just fine through the storms and cold the last few days.
March 15, 2016 Categories >>
Organic GardentingOrganic seed potatoes are here!This year's selections include:

Popular mid-season variety from Holland. Smooth red skin and deep golden inside. Moist, creamy texture with a delicate flavor. Reliable and easy to grow. An excellent choice for a general cooking potato.

La Ratte (fingerling)
Long prized by French chefs. Highly recommended and an absolute delight to cook with. Long, uniform tubers with yellow flesh and a firm texture and a nice nutty flavor. Holds together very well. Especially good for potato salad or boiled.

Yukon Gold
Smooth, thin yellow skin with creamy yellow flesh. Stands up well to any kind of cooking, baking, frying, mashing and salads – dry heat or moist. Sweet tasty potato that stores very well
March 09, 2016 Categories >>
Lawn MaintenanceTime for Spring Lawn Maintenance
Your lawn probably needs some help getting ready for the new growing season!
Depending on your lawn’s needs, Deal’s might recommend:
Core aeration
Over seeding
Corn Gluten for weed control (being applied early this year due to the mild winter)
Organic Earth and Lawn Care service to help keep your lawn looking great all summer.
Check your lawn mower for the proper mowing height. Also perform any needed maintenance, especially making sure the blade is sharp.
Be sure to give us a call at (937) 426-2118 to request an estimate and get on our schedule for spring yard work.
You can also
contact us on our website.
March 08, 2016 Categories >>
SpringSpring has suddenly sprung!Business is hopping here at Deal's. We have new deliveries of many of our organic bagged products and soon more plants will be rolling in. Truckloads of bulk mulch and soil are already here.
Watch for a list of vegetable plants that will soon be available for early planting!
Be sure to give us a call at (937) 426-2118 to request an estimate and get on our schedule for spring yard work. You can also
contact Deal’s on our website.
Spring officially arrives in Beavercreek on March 20, 2016, at 12:30 AM.
Deal’s will again offer organically grown veggie seedling this year. Watch for a list of available seedlings in the next few weeks.
Tags: Organically Grown Seedlings|Organic Gardenting
This is a great time to start thinking about your landscape maintenance needs for 2016. Deal’s offers a full line of very affordable landscape maintenance programs including
Organic Earth & Lawn Care™. Our
Organic Earth™ program has a proven track record of earth-friendly turf and garden enrichment and maintenance. Want to learn more?
Contact Deal’sTags: Landscape Planning|Landscape Maintenance
March 04, 2016 Categories >>
Snow RemovalWinter is approaching! The prediction for this area is that we’ll have a mild winter. Even so,
contact Deal’s for our snow removal service. Seasonal contracts are available.
Tags: Snow Removal
March 04, 2016 Categories >>
GeneralWelcome to Deal’s new website! We’ve been working very hard to upgrade the Deal’s Landscape website to work with smart phones, tablets, and desktop displays.
Find a problem with a page? Please let us know the particulars!
Contact Deal’sTags: General